Human Design Intro Masterclass

What You'll Learn

In this short 25 minute class you’ll learn:

  • Learn what the Human Design Astrology System is
  • Why it matters more than ever right now
  • How to get the most transformation out the system
  • How to get your own FREE chart
  • How to activate your divine design

About Katie

Katie is a Soul Mission Coach. She has spent the last 10 years honing her skills in the Human Design system. Katie is playful, intuitive, and has a gift for translating spiritual truth into practical actionable practices. She considers herself a New Age Christian, seeing many of the tools and practices available in the Woo world as facilitating the experience of Christ Consciousness (aka Divine Love). Starting with her client’s Human Design chart Katie helps her clients fall in love with their divinely inspired and totally unique true nature, awakening to their soul’s mission. She helps them connect with the supportive nature of the Universe and open the door to step into the work they’ve come here to do.