Astrology + Human Design + Christianity
And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times..." (Genesis 1:14) If you're in my tribe, you're probably totally cool with Astrology and don't really need this post to...
Nevertheless, She Persisted
This year one of my personal commitments is to honor my inspiration when it hits and trust where it leads me as much as possible. After seeing the story and related #shepersisted meme - inspiration came knocking and started to formulate images to create. I knew it had...
Love, Control, & God [VIDEO]
Bottom Line: Let go of control, move into love, and watch magic unfold in your life.
Your Hope Creates the Rainbow
May the storm not turn you into cynics Your Hope is the sun shine Your Hope shines through the rain Your Hope blesses the world with a rainbow * The rain is here and the sky is now grey You can't control the rain You can control the gains Simply choose Hope to see a...
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