May the storm not turn you into cynics
Your Hope is the sun shine
Your Hope shines through the rain
Your Hope blesses the world with a rainbow
The rain is here and the sky is now grey
You can’t control the rain
You can control the gains
Simply choose Hope to see a change take place
See your Hope’s light on sheets of downpour rain
Your Hope shows the Truth
Truth now seen as Beauty
Magic is now flowing from our rainbow
Life’s rainbows moves us from cynicism
and then we shift to Hope
As more of we choose Hope
The rain and clouds elope, our light shines bright
The environment is freshly cleansed now
Now the ground is refreshed
Mother Earth is nourished
All has it’s place in creation
Our Hope during rain creates the rainbow
Our cynicism amplifies the storm.
Magic is in our choice
Hope shifts us into a start of new life
(And notice, when the sun shines on the rain it is not ignoring nor denying it. It highlights it. You could even say it collaborates with it. to create something beautiful and inspiring. – A side note from Katie )
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